Restoring trees for future generations.

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Most unforgettable memories of childhood, generations before us, were shared in the country’s rich forests. This is where most games were played and most childhoods were spent gathering wild fruits and going after birds. Forests were lovers meeting places and most courtship that blossomed into happy homes was done there. It is such a pity, that our own generation today cannot make memories as most of these forests are nothing but history as the history made in them. With most of the bulk of trees cut down for human satisfaction that range from energy, furniture, building and yet beautiful histories that money cannot buy are lost.
Non-timer products like madora, honey, mushroom and wild fruits are now being bought for exaggerated prices in local supermarkets yet mother earth offers them on a free price tag, delivered on a silver platter, our trees. It is time that this generation and the next enjoy good memories, create history and enjoy the fruits Mother Nature has to give.
Driven by such a motivation and goal of restoration, Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust packed their tools and headed to Nyamande Primary School to present them a gift that money can never buy. Planting thirty (30) trees at the school, Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust is hopeful that inspiring lives at a tender age can build Green Ambassadors who will paint our country green again through afforestation.
Whilst this step does not do it all for a lot has to be done, this is one stride towards the restoration of our lost forests, beautiful childhoods and harvesting of non-timber products for their nutritional value and poverty alleviation today and in the future.

DATE: 10 JULY 2017

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